'Fashion\'s Favorite (1940) Opens with a shot of an hourglass which leads into a montage of various household appliances and then moves into a discussion of how DuPont \"makes life more liveable.\" The rest of the film tracks the manufacturing of rayon from raw material to finished product. Many nice shots: Scene of men working in labs. CU beakers, chemicals, microscopes, etc. Scenes of men reading meters and operating vats to wash raw rayon product. Scenes of women participating in fabric-making process (and inspecting too) Nice shots of various types of rayons in bolts and draped over tables on display for the camera. Many good stock shots to be logged. Oblique shot of dial telephone being dialed Cars driving down New York avenue Trucks and cars on main street of rural village Courtesy: Prelinger Archives. Usage: Public Domain Mark 1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/) ---------------------------------------------------------- This is informational Video Please Like it, Share it and Subscribe my Channel --------------------------------------------------------- #rayon #manufacturing #fashion'
Tags: fashion , fashion design , fabric , how its made , textile design , yarn , DuPont , Raw Material , rayon , textile engineering , rayon fabric , fashion creations , rayon yarn manufacturing process , rayon yarn , rayon dupont , textile fabric dyeing process , textile fabric finishing process , textile fabric , rayon staple fiber , spun rayon , textile manufacturing process , car tyres , automobile tyres , fabric-making process , fabric manufacturing
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